10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ultimo Dragon

5. His Dream Was To Wrestle At MSG And WrestleMania

Ultimo Dragon managed to accomplish a lot in wrestling before his career was momentarily cut short in 1998. He'd held 10 Championships at one time, wrestled in high-profile matches at the 65,000 capacity Tokyo Dome and had countless classics with a variety of opponents. Still, there were a couple of things that Dragon wanted to cross of his list, namely wrestling at Madison Square Garden and also competing in a match at WrestleMania. Although his time in WWE was far from the best of his career, he managed to accomplish both these feats before leaving the company in April 2003. Dragon's WWE TV debut (he'd wrestled several untelevised dark matches) took place at the World's Most Famous Arena, when he defeated Shannon Moore at the June 26th Smackdown in a good match. Dragon was barely used over the next six months, and considered quitting the promotion, figuring that he was not going to get to live out his 'Mania dream. Fortunately for him, WWE did book him for the Showcase of the Immortals, as he was one of the ten men in the rushed Cruiserweight Title open invitational at WresleMania XX (also at MSG). Regrettably, Dragon slipped on his cape on the way to the ring, almost having his own 'Shockmaster' moment (it has been edited out of WWE DVD and WWE Network versions of the show).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...