10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 1995
7. Sabotage Was Afoot At WrestleMania XI
You'll likely know all about the reputation that Shawn Michaels carried in the 1990s.
He was an egomaniac, a nightmare, a wrestler who wouldn't lose any title via traditional means. He'd pitch a temper tantrum mid-match if a spot went awry, breaking any sense of immersion. He infamously did this at SummerSlam 1996, at Vader's expense. A botch like that simply couldn't happen in a big Shawn Michaels match. As much of a terror as Michaels was, he was immaculate in the ring. Even Bret Hart would never allow himself to say - even if he didn't mean it - that Shawn was overrated. That's how good Shawn was; a man with every reason couldn't let himself bury him in bad faith.
The events of SummerSlam '96 were rendered heavily ironic in retrospect, considering that Shawn - a spotless worker - very conveniently took Diesel's Jackknife powerbomb finish terribly at WrestleMania XI. Landing on his feet, he, by making Diesel look clumsy, ruined the dramatic impact. Michaels had also spent the first half of the match working like a pinball. The match was very, very good overall, but it peaked early - by sinister design, you could argue. He blew Diesel up.
Dean Douglas had no chance: this is how Shawn worked one of his best friends!