10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2004

6. WWE Came Close To Signing New Jack

There are many wrestlers from ECW who it's hard to believe WWE actually signed. Guys like Balls Mahoney, Tony Mamaluke and even Sabu don't exactly seem like a perfect fit (and it turned out they weren't). One misfit whom WWE didn't sign, but came extremely (pardon the pun) close to, was New Jack. Yes, New Jack, the man who routinely went into business for himself in his 'matches' and promos. The guy whose sole talent seemed to be swearing and throwing himself off of a balcony. The same New Jack who nearly cancelled ECW's first PPV due to the Mass Transit incident. WWE opened negotiations with New Jack in 2004. Believe it or not, he was originally going to be revealed as the man who stabbed John Cena in the nightclub (a storyline that was set up and never solved so that Cena could film go away and The Marine). WWE were going to bring New Jack in to, presumably, feud with Cena. It never happened, as WWE got cold feet. They probably realised that New Jack was more trouble than he was worth (he already had heat with several on the WWE roster). Thankfully, those Cena/New Jack matches never happened. Can you imagine how bad they would have been? Sends a shiver down the spine.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...