10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2005

9. Paul London Tries To Speak His Mind To Vince McMahon - Is Buried On Velocity

Paul London was never going to really make it big in WWE. When you look back on it, it's quite incredible the success he and Brian Kendrick had as a tag team on Smackdown between 2006-7. London was small by WWE standards, had an unconventional ring style and a laid-back attitude. That didn't impress the higher-ups. Even though he produced in the ring and usually had good matches, WWE weren't in a hurry to do anything with him. So London decided to voice his frustration with the lack of push and direction to Vince McMahon. It fell on deaf ears and London was placed on Velocity. Then, following a botched 450 splash (London's finisher at the time) from Juventud Guerrera to London, Vince outlawed it and similar high-risk moves like the shooting star press. London, once again, tried to plead with McMahon and get him to change his mind. Vince was unmoved by London's pleas but displeased with his insolence for daring to speak his mind again. London lost his Cruiserweight Championship to long-time loser Nunzio on the August 4th episode of Velocity. London then began a brief run as a whining heel, who encouraged fans to protest his title loss, and entered into a losing streak. His salvation came when he began to team with the newly rehired Kendrick a couple of months later.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...