10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2006

9. Psicosis Lives Up To His Name

After Juventud Guerrera was released in January due to his erratic and egotistical behaviour, you'd think that his former Mexicools pals would take the hint and sit up straight and keep themselves out of trouble. Regrettably, Psicosis (whose career was going nowhere fast in WWE) decided to do something rather different. Psicosis, real name Dionicio Castellanos Torres, was arrested on October 9th after he stole a car from a 23-year-old man called Alexander Valencia Ramirez. Psicosis initially asked to borrow the car but, when Ramirez refused, he had a gun pulled on him by the off-kilter wrestler and his car was stolen. Ramirez called the police and the chase was on. While making his getaway Psicosis hit several cars (including one containing a pregnant woman) before he was finally caught. Police then discovered that the 'gun' Psicosis had used earlier was actually, in fact, a water pistol. After learning about this whole escapade, WWE released Psicosis from his contract.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...