10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2006

7. Huge Heat On RVD For Refusing To Go To Iraq (Again)

WWE started overseas trips to military bases in Iraq in 2003. The concept was JBL's idea, as WWE's way of saying thanks to the armed forces of the United States. Talent could only be asked to volunteer to go, due to safety concerns, but it was said that if you were asked to go that it was strongly encouraged that you agree. It was an unwritten rule. To refuse to go was considered a direct affront to Vince McMahon (who made the trips himself). Everyone seemed happy to go. Everyone except for Rob Van Dam, that is. RVD politely declined WWE's invitation in December 2004, opting instead to be at home with his wife Sonja. He got heat then for it but he got even more when he refused to go again in 2006. RVD was already in management's bad books thanks to his drug bust in the summer and things only soured when he told WWE 'thanks, but no thanks'. Apparently it was the nature of RVD's refusal that irked some: instead of thanking Vince for the opportunity but politely declining, RVD was very blunt in his answer. RVD left WWE when his contract expired in May 2007. He was burnt-out with being on the road all of the time and didn't like the backstage politics in the company, either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_JGbD86fso

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...