10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2008

8. The Michaels Hayes Racism Controversy

Michaels Hayes is quite an eccentric fella. The term 'acquired taste' comes to mind. Hayes wears loud clothes, speaks in street slang and has an old school view towards wrestling and a lot of other things. Unfortunately, Hayes also liked to drink, and when he got drunk he tended to make a fool out of himself. One instance of such behaviour, which was risky but ultimately harmless, was when he started doing some unplanned (and unwanted) karaoke at Triple H and Stephanie McMahon's wedding. But there have been much more serious incidents involving Hayes and the booze, one of which led to an ugly situation in 2008. During a party that occurred during the WrestleMania XXIV weekend, Hayes and Mark Henry were partying together when the former Freebird told The World's Strongest Man 'I am more of a n***er than you are' and then tried to headbutt him, albeit in a 'playful' manner. Needless to say, this did not go down all that well and Henry was furious. It wasn't the first time Hayes had been accused of racist behaviour, with former black and asian writers (whom he referred to as 'sand n***ers') as well as Bobby Lashley and Booker T also stating how Hayes had used racist language and told racially insensitive jokes in the past. Hayes' apparent racism was one of the key factors in Lashley leaving the company early in the year. Hayes also reportedly made jokes about then-President hopeful Barack Obama Hayes was suspended for sixty days for his behaviour. On his first show back, the first thing he did was apologize to Henry. He then apologized to all the African-American wrestlers. Hayes blamed the incident with Henry on his well-known drinking problem and told people that he was taking antabuse (a drug that makes you vomit when you drink alcohol).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...