10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE No Way Out 2000

5. Jim Ross Regrets His Wording On Mark Henry & Viscera

No Way Out 2000 Viscera Mark Henry Mae Young

Before the Mark Henry vs. Viscera match, Jim Ross shot off a line on commentary about how the bout "wouldn't be worth many stars". That was a direct dig at match quality, and a prediction that Dave Meltzer might not shower the big man brawl with much praise.

It's one JR regrets.

He said on his podcast he was only trying to be funny, but he doesn't think it came across well from someone who was supposed to protect talent. In fairness, Ross was struggling for something to say about a match that hadn't been heavily promoted on television and was never going to be Flair vs. Steamboat.

Still, Jim cringed when he re-watched the pay-per-view and heard his line before recording that recap pod. It wasn't his most professional moment, and he reckons he should've found something else to say that didn't sh*t all over Viscera or Henry's hard work.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.