10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE Royal Rumble

4. Mil Mascaras Refused To Be Eliminated

Randy Orton WWE Royal Rumble Record

The WWF thought they were doing themselves a favour by flying in countless Mexican stars for spots on the card at the 1997 Rumble. Unfortunately, the legendary Mil Mascaras didn't quite like the concept of the titular match itself, so he told Vinnie Mac and others he wouldn't be doing the job.


That posed a major problem, because McMahon certainly didn't have Mil working a featured match at WrestleMania on his booking sheets for spring. Eventually, everyone agreed that Mascaras could leap out of the ring himself, and so the Mexican worked a dive spot by landing on fellow countryman Pierroth.

Get this though: Mil actually stepped through the ropes before climbing to the top turnbuckle and jumping off. In other words, he was never technically eliminated from the match at all. In retrospect, Vince was likely just glad he didn't have to deal with Mascaras and his ridiculous demands any longer.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.