10 Things You Didn't Know About Zeb Colter

3. He Doesn't Look Like Puerto Rican Santa Claus

Dutch Mantell was able to draw a massive amount of heat during his time in Puerto Rico during the 1980's because he looked and talked differently than the local residents and wasn't afraid to talk bad about them. The crowds would often be hostile to Dutch and depending how inebriated they were they would turn that hostility into physical violence. One of the sillier examples of this was a time when he would interfere during a World Title match between Harley Race and Carlos Colon...while dressed as Santa Claus. Dutch thought it was stupid that a green-eyed Santa with a Southern accent was handing out candy and yelling Feliz Navidad, but he went along with it anyway. Near the end of the match he interfered like planned and Race would immediately realize how volatile their situation was. "Kid, we got to get out of here," Race would tell him. Dutch already had reached that conclusion as the two exited the ring without any major incident.
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Zeb Colter
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.