10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WCW Nitro

3. Commentary Got Seriously Bad

WCW Commentary Tony Schiavone Scott Hudson Mark Madden
WWE Network

Eric Bischoff has always been seriously under-rated as a play-by-play man. Some probably didn't like his over-enthusiastic delivery or snide remarks about the competition, but Bischoff did everything in his power to put WCW over as a superior product to Raw. That's admirable looking back, and definitely preferable to what was ahead.

"TV's Best Looking Big Man" Mark Madden.

Bischoff, Tony Schiavone and others have defended Madden's smarky style as engaging and fitting for the time. It was fitting, but only because WCW stupidly thought that casual viewers cared about insider terminology or backstage politics when they were trying to zone out with a beer and watch some wrestling.

By the time Madden formed a three-man booth with Schiavone and Scott Hudson, all bets were off. Watch those guys wing their way through broadcasts and you'll be screaming for Bischoff, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay. Even Steve McMichael wasn't as irritatingly smart-assed.

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WCW Nitro
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