10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1999

9. The ‘Higher Power’ Sucked

Vince McMahon WWF Champion

"It was me, Austin. It was me all along, Austin".

Those iconic words live long in the memories of wrestling fans worldwide, but the revisionist high-fiving for Vince McMahon's 'Greater/Higher Power' reveal masks something few really want to admit: IT ABSOLUTELY SUCKED. No word of a lie - this blew big stinking chunks.

Fans in attendance treated McMahon's nonsensical 7 June swerve as a colossal wet fart. He went from playing the borderline-sympathetic victim of The Undertaker's satanic magic to pulling the strings, and people weren't ready for that. It was the kind of 'gotcha' moment Vince Russo was hammered for booking in WCW later that year.

Russo was still in the WWF, so he must've had something to do with how this reveal played out. Looking back, somebody should've popped a hand up and asked if McMahon was the right fit. Yes, he was a major character, but his announcement didn't work.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.