10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2002

7. Raw Roulette Needs A Comeback, But…

Steve Austin Ric Flair

…they can tweak it to eliminate the comedy/salaciousness of some bouts.

WWE last deployed the 'Raw Roulette' gimmick on the 28 January 2013 episode of Raw. It's been used sparingly over the years, but 2002 was the first time fans clapped eyes on the idea. Basically, think WCW's old 'Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal' concept with a Las Vegas twist.

The original on 7 October '02 threw up everything from steel cage and blindfold bouts, to a 'Showgirl' comedy scrap pitting William Regal vs. Goldust and a four-way TLC. If modified to be a little less silly, Roulette could actually work as a special episode in 2023.

It's certainly something Triple H should have a think about. Some sort of grand three-hour special in Vegas next year could bridge the gap between supershows as a pay-per-view quality broadcast. Or, failing that, Trips could replace one of the deleted PPVs with 'WWE Roulette' and soup it up.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.