10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2004

8. Shelton Benjamin Should’ve Been Bigger

Edge WWE 2004

Ain't no stopping him, noooooo.

No, Shelty B wasn't The Rock on the mic, and that seemed to hold him back from reaching WWE's upper level. Instead of focusing on what Shelton couldn't do, the promotion should've been concentrating on what he could - he was one hell of an athlete, and always delivered during matches.

His 2004 was a real pleasure to relive, especially once he'd left the tag team game behind and been drafted to Raw in March. Matches vs. Triple H were a weekly treat (more on those later), and his Intercontinental Title win over Chris Jericho in 2004 did lead to some more killer showcases.

Sadly, the WWE machine never seemed full-behind Benjamin even during his 244-day reign as IC Champ, and that makes portions of his 2004 so frustrating in retrospect. It's like Vince wanted to push him, then realised he wasn't great at promos so didn't.

He could've been a bigger deal.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.