10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE SmackDown From 1999

8. Critics Are Wrong About Michael Cole

The Rock WWF SmackDown

Revisionists will tell you that Michael Cole used to be a terrible announcer. They'll leave it at that without context too, then wax lyrical about how Jim Ross should've continued as SmackDown's lead play-by-play man following the debut episode. Sadly for them, the truth is different.

JR didn't really want to work SmackDown.

The legend admitted as much in his second book, and he was only too happy to let Cole take the gig. Plus, and here's what will p*ss off MC haters, Michael actually did a good job with Jerry Lawler back in '99. Sure, he was green and still learning his craft, but his energetic approach and youthful feel gave SmackDown a unique atmosphere.

He was perfect for a new product, especially if the WWF wanted something that'd complement Raw rather than repeat it. Looking back, Cole was trying his best and did a way better job of it than most would care to admit.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.