10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE SmackDown From 2000

9. The WWF Couldn’t Book Big Show

Mick Foley Triple H SmackDown 2000

Vince McMahon reportedly thought he’d show those idiots down in WCW how to book a giant properly when he inked a monster contract with Paul Wight. Sadly for him, the WWF’s handling of their soon-to-be-rebranded Big Show was dirt poor. Struggles in 1999 increased tenfold by 2000.

It's kinda strange to look back on some of these SmackDown episodes to see Show being pushed around by the McMahon-Helmsley Regime. He was almost beholden to Triple H's tyranny at points, which didn't make sense for someone who could theoretically destroy everyone in his path if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

The mid-year feud vs. Shane McMahon, whilst well-remembered for some of the promos and bumps it spawned, didn't do much to help Show either. In fact, Shane treating this "Big Nasty Bastard" like a big nasty dummy by meme-ing phrases like, "Which way did he go?!" made Show look a bit crap.

WCW did Giant better early on.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.