10 Things You Need To Know About WWE's UK Tryout Wrestlers

1. Martin Kirby's Popularity Exploded In WCPW

Martin Kirby No Regrets Champion

Making his debut in 2006, Thirsk's own Martin Kirby has become such a beloved member of the WCPW roster since the promotion began last Summer. Fans of UK independents like PCW, IPW:UK and Southside have known about Kirby's talent for years, but WCPW has given him the platform to perform for a much larger audience.

As WCPW General Manager, the man was a riot. The promotion's fanbase adopted Kirby as their own personal favourite long before then though, and the reaction was huge when he finally won the WCPW Heavyweight Title at No Regrets during a 30-man 'Championship Rumble'.

Kirby's popularity has been one of WCPW's real success stories, so much so that Big Damo said it was only a matter of time before WWE came knocking during his own farewell speech. That sentiment has been echoed by the likes of Drew McIntyre, so it's not surprising WWE fancied a closer look at 'Kirbymania' during their tryouts.

What else do you know about WWE's UK hopefuls? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Martin Kirby
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