10 Times Companies Have Dropped The Ball With Sting

9. Halloween Havoc Lives Up To The Billing!

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4of8m_halloween-havoc-1990-sting-vs-sid-v_sport In the late 1980's, Sting was lined up to feud with Ric Flair over the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, with the idea being that the bleach-blonde babyface was the wrestler who could lead WCW into the 90's. Unfortunately, he'd go down with a legitimate knee injury, which scuppered plans, and meant a match which was originally scheduled to take place in February, 1990 now had to wait until July. At The Great American Bash, Sting would have his moment, defeating Flair and seemingly replacing the main man of the previous decade. Fans were in raptures, they had their chosen champion, and the future looked bright for WCW. Stunningly, the creative braintrust in WCW would undermine their new hero, as early as October. This is where the whole "Fake Sting" thing started, something which has plagued Steve Borden throughout his career. Sid Vicious pinned Barry Windham, under Sting makeup, at Halloween Havoc in October, 1990, before the original himself would hit the ring and small package Vicious to apparently retain the title. Fans were confused, and the ending felt dull. This was not a great way to do your new World Champion justice, no pun intended.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.