10 Times Kevin Nash Was The Absolute Best
4. Jumping In The Pool
He did it because he could, and that's why it was cool.
"Don't hate the player. Hate the game", so went the intro to Booker T's theme during a late-stages WCW babyface run booked by Vince Russo trying to magic a new Rock out of thin air, but 'Big Sexy' practised what that entrance sting preached.
The wrestlers at the Spring Break 1998 edition of Nitro all saw a sign backstage that very explicitly stated "no wrestlers in the pool" during their day at work, but The Outsiders saw nothing but a grand invitation in the statement. Why would they? Not only did Scott Hall and Kevin Nash have good instincts for what stood a chance of getting over on the night, but they also didn't have any particular concern over the safety of their employment.
WCW's management had a record of doing very little other than rewarding supposed bad behaviour, so the pair pushed that for the good of a memorable moment. Ahead of The Giant throwing Hall into the water, Nash hilariously ripped the stakes of such an attack away by cannonballing in there himself.