10 Times NXT Black & Gold Was Better Than Literally EVERYTHING

4. Gargano Vs Ciampa

NXT Black and Gold

Wrestling storylines come in all tones and lengths, but there's something truly special about the long-play. A rivalry that takes place over several years, ebbing, flowing and evolving, is something truly special. If done right, it can make for the most effective and memorable stories in the sport.

Gargano versus Ciampa has a case to be one of the best rivalries in WWE history. Not only did it deliver all the above (even surviving and eventually reigniting through several unfortunately timed injuries) but it also delivered in-ring, with every encounter outdoing the previous (perhaps with exception of the empty arena One Final Beat match).

This feud began in a strange era for WWE's main roster. As previously mentioned, Mahal was the WWE champion and Lesnar was embarking on his 500+ day Universal Championship reign where he was barely seen on television. The company struggled with putting over any major babyfaces, let alone creating new ones. Gargano and Ciampa's story, throughout its runtime, proved they could both work different ends of the spectrum. Ciampa was a versatile baddie and sympathetic antihero, whilst Gargano made for an unorthodox heel when he wasn't the beating heart of NXT itself as a face.

The storyline weaved in ways that allowed them both to shine their brightest over the three years, constantly subverting expectations and making sure that - regardless of whatever else was happening - NXT was still worth watching.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.