10 Times Randy Orton Was Actually As Good As WWE Says He Is

2. His Feud With Christian In 2011

Randy Orton

At the time, the beginning of this feud was infuriating. Orton winning the World Heavyweight Title off of Christian just days after his victory was ridiculous. Christian had been waiting for his WWE world title for over 10 years and it was over in an instant because of the 'Apex Predator.' In addition to this, as the feud progressed, fans were expected to cheer for Orton and boo the newly heel Christian, despite years of fan sympathies for 'Captain Charisma.'

This could have been a disaster if it wasn’t for the fact that Orton and Christian have once-in-a-lifetime levels of chemistry, with Christian being the finest opponent that Orton’s ever had in his WWE career. Over the course of Summer 2011, they had three instant classics on PPV, with their Money in the Bank match having arguably the greatest DQ finish of the decade.

Both men just clicked with each other, exchanging beautiful holds, telling scintillating stories and creating matches that would go down in history as some of the best of their careers. While aspects of it should have been different, it is one of the greatest arguments for Orton (and Christian’s) greatness there is.

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Randy Orton
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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.