10 Times TNA Went Further Than The WWE Attitude Era
9. The Johnsons

In 1998, WWE debuted a new midcard act that defined the wild times the promotion lived through in that era: Val Venis, male porn star.
WWE had a rare old time coming up with names for Val's fake motion pictures, and somehow resisted the temptation to go with 'Cummin' In The Rain', '2001: A Sit On My Face Odyssey' and 'Dial M For M*nge'. Yes, that was a thin excuse to have a bit of gross fun with the Venis character, but since the man is something of a monster, it's the only fun you're likely to have with it in 2022.
Val's trunks were...distinctive. Originally, they had a silver bit on them that looked a bit like a c*ck. Additionally, he wore a t-shirt that looked like it was drenched in ejaculate.
TNA took this one step further by debuting the Johnsons tag team in 2002, who were named after and indeed dressed like giant flesh-coloured penises. This is something WWE did not do.
WWE did promote a wrestler who was a complete d*ck, but Road Dogg didn't dress up like one.