10 Times Vince McMahon Forgot To Restrain His Ego

2. Vince McMahon's Biggest Risk: WrestleMania

It's hard to imagine a time before WrestleMania, let alone a time when it seemed like a risky venture, but back in 1985 it was the biggest gamble McMahon had take to date. WrestleMania I was the biggest show WWF had ever put on, not only was it live in Madison Square Garden, it was broadcast around the country on closed-circuit television. Vince utilised his links within the media and the Rock 'n' Wrestling Connection to jam WrestleMania full of guest stars; Mr. T, Cyndi Lauper, Liberace, Muhammed Ali and more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFxZudEC6s Looking back, it's hard to believe there was every any doubt as to its success, but imagine how different the wrestling would be if it wasn't.

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