10 Times Vince McMahon Lost Huge Money In WWE

3. Vince Loses $350 Million In A Day After 2014 TV Rights Fees Deal - May 16 2014

When Vince McMahon promised a stock market analyst they could put a wrestling hold on him if WWE didn't double their TV rights fees, he would live to regret the bravado comment. On May 15th 2014, it turned out that WWE would be staying put on NBCUniversal. The next day it emerged that the rights fees had nowhere near doubled. The stock quickly took a hit, down 40% on the day's market opening. Having closed at $20 on the Thursday, they had opened at below $11. Investors were furious, and there was even talk of lawsuits, with the accusation that WWE had misled people. But the biggest headline of the day was left to Forbes Magazine, who ran with "WWE CEO Vince McMahon No Longer Billionaire After Losing $350 Million In A Day." The stock crash had hit him where it hurts, right there in his McMahon macho pride.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.