10 Times Wrestlers Couldn’t Hide What They Were Doing
3. Shawn Michaels Blows Up His Best Friend - WrestleMania XI
Shawn Michaels was a special kind of raging narcissist at the peak of his nineties pomp, to such an extent that even if he wanted to make a point to management in the middle of his matches and do it at his best friend's expense, he'd go so big with it that absolutely everybody else in the building could see it too.
The super-athletic 'HBK' sprints through spots in the first minute and a half of the match, affording the WrestleMania XI semi-main an exhilarating start that also just happened to completely knacker out his larger opponent.
Neither man was exactly thrilled at the prospect of going on underneath footballer Lawrence Taylor in the main event, but it was Michaels who was keenest to back up his stern press conference words about being the very best in the industry at the time. The match genuinely sufferers for his pride - Diesel's exhaustion is painfully present throughout, and 'HBK's lousy sell of the match-winning Jackknife only twists the blade he'd already jammed in 'Big Daddy Cool's back.