10 Times Wrestlers Got Into Real Life Bar Fights
9. Andre The Giant Flips Over A Car

Over the years, Andre the Giant's drinking stories have become tales of legend, and this specific instance is at the pinnacle of them all as it would depict what the first-ever WWE Hall of Famer was capable of in a fit of drunken fury. Former WWE Intercontinental Champion Jacques Rougeau shared the story during an interview with Sportskeeda, recalling when four men tried to provoke and goad the giant into a fight at a bar.
The four guys reportedly had a little too much to drink and chose the wrong person to pick on. One of them allegedly slapped Andre to provoke him, but when the latter stood up, they realized they messed up big time and made a beeline towards the exit.
Rougeau recalled that they jumped in a Volkswagen and tried to drive away, but Andre the Giant followed suit like a freight train, caught up to them, grabbed the car, and flipped it on its top while the four men were still inside.