10 Times Wrestlers Ignored Direct Orders

5. Bret Hart & Steve Austin

Steve Austin Bret Hart WretleMania XIII

By 1997, things were starting to change, but not in time for Steve Austin's memorable gusher at WrestleMania 13. As told in Stone Cold's must-read autobiography, it was actually Hart himself who took the blade and carefully cut Austin's forehead so the claret would run. There's no doubting how much excitement that added to the Sharpshooter spot later.

Can you imagine 'Mania 13 without the visual of a bloody Austin passing out?

This time, Vince was a little more lax on the rules. Even he could see that blood enhanced the drama of their submission-only spectacular and created one of the great moments in WWF/WWE history. That didn't mean that McMahon or any of his other staff were aware that Bret would blade Austin before the match happened.

He was angry with both for "f*cking up the mat for the rest of the show" (Bruce Prichard's words on his podcast) and for going against WWF rules. Prichard isn't sure if Vince fined either man, but he recalls being chewed out by McMahon for not alerting him.

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