10 Times Wrestling Fans F***ed Around & Found Out
7. CM Punk

Forgotten in the wake of some other regrettable actions that occurred in and around All Out 2022, a moment of madness during a CM Punk promo resulted in the 'Voice Of The Voiceless' himself saying "probably shouldn't have said that" mere seconds after returning fire towards a heckler with lowest common denominator patter that a performer of Punk's pedigree is lightyears above.
He was talking through his summer injury recovery in the middle of a Chicago Dynamite when one of his natives got restless. Punk called the guy fat, joked about how little he may or may not have had sex, then brutally remonstrated with himself as above, remembering his role, his job, and what year it was in a crushingly quick reality check.
It'd be generous to say he was forgetting himself, and some would argue he was doing the total opposite. Was The Punker remembering an ugly side of his old self, immediate contrition included? An infamous moment from his past suggests so...