10 Times Wrestling Was More Hardcore Than "Real" Sports

2. Injurious Play

Sports: The #6 World€™s Highest Paid Athlete, Lebron James was taken out of Game 1 of the 2014 NBA finals by when a power outage had temporarily knocked out the San Antonio AT&T Center€™s air conditioning units during the pivotal Heat/Spurs game. Temperatures hovered around 90 degrees and the crowd got a little cranky. Players used ice bags on the bench to cool down but they soldiered on; all except the Miami forward. James said he was experiencing such excessive leg cramping from the hot arena that he had to exit the game early. He eventually returned to play, but his legs cramped up again after attempting a drive. In the fourth quarter, James put in 5 minutes of game play. It came as no surprise that the Spurs won 110-95. Pro Wrestling: Wrestling moves, even when performed by experts can result in serious injury to just about every part of the human body. The image of Sid Vicious coming off the top rope and landing with a horrible compound fracture is embedded in the brain of every WCW fan over 30. Even the Texas bad-ass, Steve Austin was once temporarily paralyzed in the ring after a botched pile-driver from Owen Hart at SummerSlam 97. Getting his ear ripped off in Germany by some renegade ropes was just a warm-up for the barrage of bodily harm that was Hell in a Cell for Mick Foley. His injury list looked like a police report from a car wreck. After suffering two catastrophic falls, the Hardcore Champ had two missing teeth, stitches under the lip, a dislocated jaw, concussion, bruised kidney and dislocated shoulder. The Undertaker looks completely convinced Foley is dead after the first fall.

Comedienne & Writer From the Cosmic Wasteland, Stuck In LA.