10 Times WWE Actually Elevated Midcarders To Become WWE Champions

8. Bob Backlund

Bob Backlund

Just like nobody could've predicted this one.

When pasty-white Bob Backlund returned to the WWF in 1992, he was the living embodiment of the phrase 'fish out of water'. The glistening, tanned skin of McMahon's "Superstars" contrasted vividly with ol' Bob's outdated look. Some kids might've cursed Santa when they got Backlund action figures for Christmas that year.

At least Backlund had a defined role. He was there so commentators could talk about his run as WWF Champ in the '80s and use Bob as a tool to depict modern-day warriors as superior. Then, in-ring, Backlund could put this 'New Generation' over. That was the plan... until the WWF put the belt on him at Survivor Series 1994.

Suddenly, over-the-hill legend Bob was a deranged veteran babbling about the lack of respect these youngsters had for his skills. It was a magnificent piece of storytelling, and it briefly turned Backlund from antiquated lower card act to vital commentary on the future of the company.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.