10 Times WWE Actually Elevated Midcarders To Become WWE Champions

5. The Miz

The Miz WWE champion

It'd be interesting to find out how many other WWE Champions were booted from locker rooms for years, hazed relentlessly by their peers and told they had to use the same bathrooms fans buying tickets did. The Miz, in that respect, might be totally unique.

He was disrespected for a long time before finally clawing back some credibility.

Any backstage bullies who'd teased the guy for years would've groaned upon learning that WWE were going to give him the main belt in 2010. It wasn't undeserved however. Miz worked tirelessly to reinvent himself between 2009-10, and he was red hot as a character by the time he cashed in MITB on Randy Orton to win the WWE Title.

Suddenly, The Miz wasn't that unwelcome guest any longer. He was WWE Champion, and he'd outworked those who had once told him he didn't belong. The goofy trousers, hats and 'Chick Magnet' gimmicks were gone. In their place stood a heel powerhouse who oozed confidence.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.