10 Times WWE Almost Made A New Star (Then Totally Blew It)

8. Booker T

Samoa Joe Brock Lesnar
WWE Network

Now this entry gets a little uncomfortable, as the subtext behind this feud was abhorrent. During 2003, Booker T took a shot at The King of Kings as he tried to end Triple H's reign of terror. This angle is often criticised for the racial implications, with Triple H claiming that "people like" Booker T don't become champion.

These horrendous connotations were an even bigger reason to support Booker T in his championship pursuits. It should have been a no brainer to have the enigmatic star go over, as he had all of the right momentum, the crowd were fully behind him, and he'd been painted as a massive babyface.

Sadly, the match ended with Triple H delivering a pedigree, and waiting an obscene amount of time to make the pin. The spot that sees a finisher hit, but not quickly capitalised on is common in wrestling, and fans are hardwired to expect the opponent to kick out, so the failure on Booker's part made him look unbelievably weak.

While the decorated WCW star - and apparently Bad Bunny's favourite wrestler - would hardly fade into obscurity, this was still a golden opportunity to make him one of the top stars of the Ruthless Aggression era. But WWE chose to let ego take the place of logic.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!