10 Times WWE Forced It Down Our Throats

1. John Cena

Cena Triple H

What can be said about John Cena that hasn't already been said so many times before? There's no doubt that Cena has earned the right to be where he is, and there's no doubt about his charisma and ability to put on great matches with a variety of different opponents. This, despite being on the receiving end of all those 'You can't wrestle' chants. It's tough to argue with WWE for making Cena the face of the company, but what you can argue with them for is never, ever seeming to want to give the Cena machine a rest.

It's fair to say that Cena has never lost the support of his most ardent fans, and probably fair to say that an awful lot of those fans are kids. There have been plenty of occasions, however, when the older (smarter fans, if you will) have registered their protests at constantly having Cena in the WWE title picture. Matches against Triple H at Wrestlemania XXII, Rob Van Dam at ECW One Night Stand 2006, and Randy Orton at Summerslam 2007 were all notable times when the live crowd let Cena have it. WWE, for their part, have always defaulted to Cena whenever they have been unsure of what to do with the title. It really did get to the point where Cena in the main event became a turn off, where we knew he was going to overcome the odds once again and walk out as WWE Champion, pulling his 5 Moves Of Doom along the way (a routine that not many seemed to mind when Bret Hart did it years ago).

Really, all we've ever needed from WWE as far as Cena is concerned is a break, which we appear to be getting right now with Cena's US title run. It's a refreshing change; prestige is being brought to that title, while the WWE title picture is benefitting from fresh blood in the main event. Maybe, somewhere down the line, WWE will make Cena champion again. Hopefully far enough in the future for us to have finally been given a chance to miss him.


As a long-time WWE fan, I have always enjoyed watching men pretend to beat each other up while wearing spandex. Extra points for facepaint, none for tassels. I love all things sci-fi. If there's a 'Star' somewhere in the title, I'll probably dig it. I'm a huge football fan too. For my sins, I support Manchester United.