10 Times WWE Gave Fans False Hope

4. The Pipe Bomb & The Summer Of Punk

When CM Punk delivered his notorious 'pipe bomb' promo on the 27th of June, 2011 the wrestling world stood up and took notice. Laying into Triple H, Vince McMahon and WWE, Punk was speaking from his heart as he shot from the hip. It was an awesome speech that set the scene perfectly for the 'summer of Punk'. The now retired WWE superstar was suddenly the hottest thing in wrestling. He cut a scathing promo on Vince McMahon during their contract signing on the July 11th Raw and ordered him to apologise for everything that he had seemingly done wrong during his reign as WWE Chairman. Punk referred to himself as the 'voice of the voiceless' during his commanding performance. Punk only got hotter after beating Cena for the WWE Title in their incredible epic at the Money In The Bank PPV. Punk then left with the belt, as he had promised weeks before. He returned a few weeks later and talked further about all of the change he was going to bring to the WWE. Then he dropped the title and entered into a shoot-based feud with Kevin Nash and Triple H. Punk got the title back eventually but the change he was preaching about never really came. John Cena was still the top star. Part-timers still got their huge WrestleMania payoffs. Punk was still an under-appreciated workhouse. It was back to business as usual and many fans, who had their hopes raised by Punk during the summer, were left let down.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...