10 Times WWE Introduced Something Cool (Then Panicked And Took It Away)

7. SmackDown Live's Ranking System

Dean Ambrose Asylum

Ranking systems are always a toughie, simply because they tend to involve a lot of constantly moving parts which are frequently changing up the pecking order.

If WWE were to fully stick to a ranking concept, as they attempted to in early 2018 on SmackDown Live, they would also have to establish early on what the benefit would be of placing high on the 'Top 10 List'. If you stayed in the mix for a few weeks or got to the top of the rankings on either of the men/women tables by the end of the month, perhaps that would open the door up for a championship opportunity for that star?

The aforementioned SmackDown 'Top 10 List' allowed the roster to vote for who they believed deserved a spot in the rankings and in doing so it felt a little like a popularity contest.

However, there was definitely potential in the idea and if WWE had introduced a scoring system based on wins and losses, the list - split into two gender specific tables - could have proved to be a success over time. Instead, Vince McMahon scrapped the idea quickly after its inception and we were back to second guessing who was rightfully next in line for a title match.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...