10 Times WWE Made MASSIVE Changes That You Didn’t Even See
6. In Your House Comes Of Age

One more hour for so much more money. The additional run-time for In Your House shows starting with September 1997's Ground Zero was as shrewd as it was a no-brainer.
Outlaying almost nothing extra in producing one more hour (the company traditionally gave the live audience at least two non-televised matches in the prior additions) the company were able to justify slapping an extra $10 onto the price of the show without fear of losing any buyers.
Those extra tenners rapidly added up, not least as the company went from strength to strength at the same time. The change from the so-last-year branding of In Your House was already coming with the introduction of the Attitude Era "scratch" logo at the end of '97, and subtitles taking precedence in the labelling of the events allowed B-Shows to grow into their own thing entirely.
By the time the company had bid farewell to the In Your House name completely in 1999, they had used this and other excellent creative and fiscal decisions in the interim to overturn WCW in the wrestling war and set Vince McMahon on his course to become the type of billionaire he'd spent years trying to beat.