10 Times WWE Narrowly Avoided Disaster
2. WWE Gets Away With Grooming Angle
While there are likely several dense tomes on r/SquaredCircle that seek to explain the true nature of the relationship between The Fiend and Alexa Bliss, what was presented in reality and on television was truly f*cked up.
Presented mere months after the #SpeakingOut movement of 2020, the Fiend - billed not from "Parts Unknown" but rather "Every one in two training schools in Britain" - targeted Alexa Bliss in a ploy to unsettle her friend Braun Strowman. Alexa reciprocated this, by touching the Fiend tenderly, but soon seemed to disassociate from her normal self as close friend Nikki Cross asked what had happened to her. Alexa was defensive and insisted she was fine. She, the victim, was in a state of denial, her instincts honed to protect her tormentor.
Eventually, Alexa turned full gloopy-tongued supernatural presence with little pretence of a suppressed personality. She and Bray even played babyface, together, with no regard as to how two sequential events were connected:
1) The Fiend targeted Alexa Bliss, who revealed her reciprocal "like a moth to a flame" attraction.
2) Alexa Bliss, once effectively controlled, began to display childlike tendencies.
What the f*ck.
WWE - probably unintentionally, since creative fell hard for Alexa's spooky horror kid ac-ting - penned a grooming storyline that didn't demonise the abuser, and somehow avoided a mainstream press outlet saying "Hang on, what the f*ck's this?"