10 Times WWE Nepotism CRUSHED Hot Angles

4. Dr. Death Stinks Up The WWF

Stephanie McMahon ECW

Bless Jim Ross for trying to throw his old pal a bone in 1998, but it wasn't the right time for one 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams. The rugged powerhouse was long past his prime when he inked a deal, and then the dire 'Brawl For All' stuff finished him off as an ongoing concern fans cared about.

Later, the WWF tried to give Williams some relevance by tying him to JR's ongoing crusade against unfair dismissal from the lead commentary job on Raw in early-1999. This clear show of nepotism neither helped Ross or Williams, and it was obvious to everyone that 'Dr. Death' wasn't panning out.

Here's the thing: Jim's anger at Vince McMahon, Michael Cole (for taking his spot) and the WWF machine as a whole could've been something memorable. Unfortunately, JR's loyalty to Williams meant he came along for the ride without any real menace or purpose to make that worthwhile.

Mediocre would sum it up.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.