10 Times WWE Picked The RIGHT Wrestler At The WRONG Time

7. Goldberg

Roman Reigns

Goldberg's WWE career could charitably be called a mixed bag, but there's no denying how over the man was when he made his company debut in 2003.

The owner of the then-longest winning streak in wrestling history, Goldberg's WWE arrival made it clear he'd lost none of his fearsome aura from his WCW days. And WWE initially did a fine job preserving it, as Goldberg swatted aside all and sundry in his first few months in the company. Hell, at SummerSlam alone he squashed three huge names over the course of one match. (Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels).

Then a one-legged Triple H bonked him on the head with a sledgehammer and that was that.

Much has been written of Triple H's Reign of Terror, but this was a particularly infuriating example. HHH was legitimately injured at the time and could barely stand. Yet his ego meant he had to get a big win over one of WCW's biggest stars before considering dropping the belt to him.

Triple H did allow Goldberg to take the belt from him a month later, but by then it was too little, too late. HHH had successfully sapped Goldberg's aura by handing him his first defeat at SummerSlam - again, on one leg - and such was the Tripster's reputation at the time Goldberg's run with the belt was poisoned by the certainty Triple H would regain it sooner rather than later. (Sure enough, Goldberg did the honours for Trips less than three months after picking up the belt).

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.