10 Times WWE Revived AWFUL Storylines

8. Big Show Vs Randy Orton

The Fiend On Fire

Another pairing that never really came off, Big Show Randy Orton feuds have always seemed to placeholders at best; a means of killing some screen time before more important stuff kicks off.

They feuded in 2013 when Big Show was part of the whole Authority angle. You know when he was forced to punch Dusty Rhodes and screw over Daniel Bryan because Triple H threatened to fire him. Unsurprisingly enough, this led to him challenging the Face of the Authority or WWE or whatever it was, Randy Orton, for his WWE Championship. No one believed Show had any real chance. And sure enough he lost.

Fast forward to 2020, the two butted heads again. This time it was during Orton’s Legend Killer rampage where he was trying to kill every legend he could find. Once more it was just a way of keeping the Edge-Orton hype alive by having the Viper take out another future Hall of Famer.


After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.