10 Times WWE Ripped Off WCW And Nobody Noticed
3. The Undertaker Has A Flock Of His Own
This writer would challenge anyone to go back, watch some of Raven's WCW work between 1997-1998 and say he wasn't one of the best characters in the biz. The fact he and his 'Flock' even got any house room on cards dominated by the nWo angle is remarkable enough, but Raven was on fire as a DDP and Chris Benoit rival back then.
Where does The Undertaker come into things though?
Raven and his hangers-on were grunge rock types, no question. Over in the WWF, the increasingly-satanic 'Taker started to surround himself with his own gang of goths, vampires and other creeps in the Ministry Of Darkness. Both groups had their own identifiable fashion, but they were more comparable than some might expect.
'Taker and Raven acted as the God-like centrepieces, and they relied on strength in numbers to overpower their foes. Also, the Ministry lads were treated like scum by their leader - Raven regularly abused his 'Flock' over in WCW too. Tenuous? Sure. Similar storytelling? Absolutely.
It's totally possible that the Ministry was a Flock rip off.