10 Times WWE Wrestlers Escaped Booking Hell

7. Kane

The Rock transformation

Glenn Jacobs’ transition from a sinister pyromaniac monster to the Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee may be his most impressive, but his wrestling career saw its fair share of dramatic turns.

During a time when career gimmicks were popular, Jacobs debuted as Jerry Lawler’s dentist Isaac Yankem, DDS. If wrestling is a desired skill in your dentist, hit up Britt Baker. Yankem, despite keeping Lawler’s sh*t-eating-grin shining, had a smile that would be excluded from The Big Book of British Smiles for its graphicness. With teeth so yellow that if you looked closely enough, you’d find phone numbers for local handymen, Yankem was initially involved in memorable feuds before descending into a cycle of jobbing.

The less said about Jacobs’ portrayal as “Fake” Diesel the better. He unfortunately made it to the final three at Royal Rumble 1997, forever linking the character to the classic Steve Austin-Bret Hart finish. While accounting for hindsight, it is ludicrous to think that anybody believed Kevin Nash could simply be recast.

As Kane, Jacobs had one of the best debuts WWE has ever orchestrated. Though the nuances of Kane have changed over time, the gimmick gave Jacobs the success he deserved.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.