10 Totally HILARIOUS Wrestling Botches

Remember when Alberto Del Rio missed the bucket?

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Impact Wrestling

It may look rather effortless and easy whenever you're watching some of the very best in the business throw their bodies around a squared-circle for your entertainment, but it often takes years of hard work and commitment to become a true master of this wrasslin' stuff.

And even then, that still doesn't guarantee that things won't go disastrously wrong on occasion.

Thankfully, though, when it comes to the following collection of unfortunate botches, mishaps, and miscues, the comical mistake in question didn't directly lead to someone being fired or seriously hurt during a contest.

In fact, in one case, said amusing botch was actually an attempt to bizarrely cover for a fellow star suffering a nasty injury mid-bout.

Accidents are simply a part of life, ladies and gentlemen, and even the most skilled and exceptional workers of their generation have found themselves in a few awkward and unquestionably unintentional situations over the years.

Hopefully enough time has passed where even the various talented folks involved can now enjoy a chuckle or two at those absurd and priceless times things simply refused to go to plan.

And special shout-out to this r/SquaredCircle thread for inspiring the silly list your about to read...

10. Randy Orton Goes To Get Himself DQ'd, Then Quickly ABORTS

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The second Triple H went down with yet another torn quadriceps, ripping the left one after tearing the right back in 2001, whatever the original plans were for the conclusion of D-Generation X vs. Rated RKO at New Year's Revolution 2007 seemingly went right out the window.

A few tentative attempts to put weight on the shredded leg post-spinebuster soon revealed this 'Game' was over.

But the lowest RKO ever to grace a WWE ring, an explosive Sweet Chin Music, a missed spear, and a no doubt excruciating Pedigree just about kept this sinking ship from completely going under whilst the gang figured out how to end the chaotic brawl.

However, there was actually a pretty funny moment just before 'The Cerebral Assassin' foolishly put Edge down with his finisher when Orton seemingly tried to improvise a sudden finish to the match (at 4:06 in the video above).

Though the event has since been erased from the match on the WWE Network, 'The Viper' actually went to whack his former Evolution pal with a steel chair before swiftly realising Trips was happy to continue on in agony for a bit.

But the folks watching on at home and in the arena weren't even given enough time to assess this absolutely absurd moment of hilarious madness live, with HBK and his broken pal soon unleashing a pretty brutal chair assault of their own on the Rated RKO a-holes to bring the mad collision to an end.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...