10 Totally HILARIOUS Wrestling Botches

2. A TNA Ref Reacts To Some Imaginary Impact

Impact Ref Thumb

Back to TNA we go for another round of human beings getting knocked on their asses by the power of the wind.

Bully Ray and Bobby Roode were reaching the climax of their tables war at Sacrifice 2014, with the former looking like he had the match in the bag as he repeatedly got his rival in position for a winning powerbomb through the wood.

However, after an already pretty bizarre game of powerbomb chess between the two, what should have been a match-altering ref-bump soon became one of the silliest moments in Impact history. And that is saying something.

Instead of blatantly catching the nearby ref in the face with Roode's heels as he was hoisted up by the Bully, the official wasn't quite close enough to connect. But sensing he still needed to be down for the controversial finish to come, he decided to drop to the canvas like a sack of spuds anyway.

There wasn't much else the referee could do here, admittedly. It was either take an hilarious phantom bump or completely ruin a finish that hadn't even seen the introduction of Dixie Carter disguised as a bearded crew member yet.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...