10 Totally Ridiculous WCW Contracts You Won’t Believe

7. Horace Hogan

Horace Hogan

Until now, you might be thinking that all of the names mentioned here were at least big stars. You're right, they were, and they did (at some point, albeit rarely towards the end of WCW's lifespan) contribute heavily to the promotion's success. Horace Hogan, someone who never looked comfortable in a wrestling ring, didn't.

Nah, he got by simply because he happened to be Hulk's real-life nephew.

Apparently, that was worth at least $225,000 to WCW's top brass. By 2000, that had risen to $250k, meaning Horace wrestled on episodes of Worldwide and jobbed out on Nitro for quite the sum. Making things even more shocking, he made more than double what talented workers like Chris Candido ($104,000) and Norman Smiley ($120,000) were paid.

Yes, Horace raked in $130k more than one of the current, respected trainers at WWE's Performance Center in the year 2000. It pays to be related to the golden goose, it seems.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.