10 Totally Ridiculous WCW Contracts You Won’t Believe

5. Ernest Miller

Ernest Miller Sonny Onoo

Give it up for Ernest "The Cat" Miller.

Not only was the guy one hell of a dancer who loved him some James Brown, he was also one heck of a negotiator when it came time to talk money too. How else could WCW's decision to green light a contract worth $400,000 in 1999 be explained? That wasn't the end of it either.

Had WCW stayed in business beyond 2001, Miller's deal called for him to get a 50k raise up to $450,000. As he was never realistically going to become a headliner on a roster still packed with marquee names, that made The Cat one of the higher earners on the jam-packed mid card glut.

The investment wasn't worth it.

Feuds against Jerry Flynn and a gig as WCW Commissioner in 2000 that was played for laughs failed to justify such a huge contract during a time when the company was leaking funds. Hey, at least he got to dance with James at SuperBrawl 2000.

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