10 Totally Unnecessary WWE Gimmick Changes

8. Nia Jax (Body Proud Inspiration > Bully)

Brock Lesnar MMA Cowboy

WWE's build towards WrestleMania 34 might've been the only time Nia Jax was ever truly over with the core audience. She blasted Alexa Bliss for being a body-shaming bully, said she was proud of her figure and aimed to inspire women who looked just like her by becoming Raw Women's Champ on the biggest stage.

Then, she bloody went and did it.

One tearful post-match promo later and the company had a positive role model on their hands. Bizarrely, they then ruined that just over a full month later by having Nia play the bully around Ronda Rousey. This didn't make sense due to Ronda's MMA aura, and it was even less impressive because WWE squashed Jax' inspiring ways so suddenly.

This is a common problem in pro wrestling, and WWE are more guilty of it than most. Characters rarely act like real human beings - they switch depending on the story being told rather than reacting naturally to what's happening around them.


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Brock Lesnar
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