10 Ultimate Wrestling Guilty Pleasures

8. Any Time Ahmed Johnson Opened His Mouth

Hulk Hogan Ric Flair

When Ahmed Johnson became WWE's first African American Intercontinental Champion, he accomplished a long overdue milestone worthy of sincere admiration. Paired as an ally of WWE Champion Shawn Michaels in a feud with Camp Cornette, Johnson seemed poised to become a future main event player, yet his skills on the microphone leaved more than a little to be desired. Twice awarded "Worst On Interviews" by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Johnson's mush-mouth is the stuff of legend and just as addictive now as it was then.

Just take a look at Johnson's ominous promo describing Stone Cold Steve Austin entering his "zone," which he refers to as "kind of like an end zone." Whatever you say, pal. Johnson then keeps the homoerotic train rolling by threatening to score on Austin. You see, Austin had already scored on him, so it was only fair Johnson return the favour. I suppose none of this should come as a shock from someone who confessed to stiffing Goldust. The whole sordid affair then ends with Johnson screaming hysterically that he's coming to get Austin.

Or watch Johnson yelling about Jeff Jarrett committing a drive-by shooting in attacking him. Johnson works himself into such a frenzy you'll think "Double J" gunned him down for real. I guess we all have our limits.

Examples like these are just the tip of the iceberg. Most of Johnson's promos start calmly enough then take a Pearl River Plunge right off a cliff, but we wouldn't want it any other way.


Private investigator and writer based in Vancouver, Canada. Fond of history, professional wrestling, and rock hubris. Once co-directed a Star Trek fan film with a budget of less than $200.