10 Ultra-Rare WWE Championship Matches You've Definitely Never Seen
6. Sycho Sid (c) Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (November 22nd, 1996)

Rarely after this moment would Stone Cold Steve Austin lose cleanly on television (or at all, for that matter), but the heel 'Rattlesnake' was only on the verge on blowing up the entire industry when he inspected the ceiling for new WWE Champion Sycho Sid at a Montreal live event.
Survivor Series 1996 had been a big evening for the pair, with the latter defeating Shawn Michaels to win his first of two WWE Championships on a show stolen by Austin's stature-enhancing loss to Bret Hart. Though theoretically natural opponents on a house show loop, this turned out to be a rarity on its own terms.
An energetically fluid main event picture at the time resulted in Stone Cold and Sid only meeting once under these circumstances. A field including Hart, Michaels, The Undertaker, Mankind and Vader all contributed to a host of tag and singles matches that kept cards fresh even when the product overall wasn't yet drawing as it would just over a year later.