10 Unbelievable Jobs You Won’t Believe WWE Stars Had

3. The Big Show Was A Bail Bondsman

The Big Show

If it wasn't scary enough that monsters like The Great Khali were patrolling the streets of India locking up criminals, then picture The Big Show knocking on your door to collect unpaid bail. During an interview with Virgin Radio Dubai, Show revealed that he used to terrify people by working as a bail bondsman.

Show didn't just knock on doors and visit houses though, he'd also wait outside of bars and restaurants for perpetrators to come out. Then, he'd literally carry them back to jail and force them to pay the price of their warrant. We doubt he'd have to hit anyone with his killer punch, but he was probably tempted.

In addition to being a bail bondsman, Show also temporarily worked as a door-to-door salesman, but admitted he was terrible at the job and didn't last long. It's a wonder anybody even opened the door after looking through the peep hole!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.